⚫'s are our business!
Established in 1968
M-W Drilling, Inc.
Alaska Owned & Operated

Water Well Construction, Drilling, and Service
Service on Residential and
Commercial Pumps of All Sizes
Anode Wells, De-watering Wells,
Monitor Wells and Testing,
and your Unique Project
Over 5,000 Wells Drilled Statewide including numerous villages
The Pioneer of
Slant Drilled Water Wells

Earthquake Info
If your water has become discolored or dirty due to a recent earthquake, this is not an unusual occurrence...don't worry!
If you experience continued loss of pressure, complete loss of water, a constantly running pump, or your well pump doesn't run at all... just call us!

State Well Tracking System
Obtain Information on Your Well
Prices for drilling and casing wells are usually quoted by the foot and may vary according to the type of well and location of drilling. The construction cost of wells in Alaska will usually be in the range of $3,000 to $20,000. Contact us today for a quote!